São Paulo: subnational alignment and challenges from Covid-19 in the country's largest city
How did the city of São Paulo respond to the first weeks’ challenges of the new coronavirus pandemic?. In this blog post, I described the first measures taken by mayor Bruno Covas (PSDB) and his relationship with governor João Doria (PSDB). I also discussed the main health, social care, and urban transportation policies during this period. To conclude, I pointed out some of the challenges the city was poised to face: how to maintain isolation policies, reach vulnerable populations, increase testing and hospital capacities, and planning the economy reopening.
This post was published on April 7th, 2020, in Portuguese (original title “São Paulo: alinhamento subnacional e os desafios do combate à Covid-19 na maior cidade do país”) in the blog series “Municipal governments facing the coronavirus” from the Study Group on Local Politics (NEPOL), Federal University of Juiz de Fora.